Thalamus Ltd

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Thalamus Ltd
Thalamus Ltd logo.png
Industry Computer and video games
Founded 1986
Defunct 1993
Headquarters London, United Kingdom
Products Video games

The Thalamus gaming company actually arrived upon the computer scene back in the year 1986 with their first game being developed by Stavros Fasoulas. Stavros Fasoulas actually went on to develop quite a few games for the Commodore 64 computer, for those old timer British computer gamers we are sure you can relate to the mentioning alone of this name.

First releases

The first game that Stavros Fasoulas actually came out with once being hired by Thalamus Ltd was called the shoot'em up Sanxion. He at first approached the Thalamus Ltd company with his approach to gaming development, and the company immediately took notice in his talents, and put him to work for the C64. In 1987 this Finnish programmer went on to create the next game for a company called the Delta, which in essence was about a progressive shoot'em up with a very slight twist to how the game played out.

One additional game that Stavros Fasoulas did for the Thalamus Ltd company before departing to go on to do his active service in the army was called Quedex (the Quest For Ultimate Dexterity). In this particular game the end user had the ability to reach ten levels by chasing a ball on a very small screen in order to get to the exit levels. While for many they might be thinking that this was a very simple type of game to complete they would be totally amazed to learn just how difficult that challenge was once taking the game on for a test drive. A interesting aspect for these 3 games was the type of background music that made them much more intriguing to finish. The musician that created these tunes for the first two games was the Legendary C64 musician whose name is Rob Hubbard.

Other titles

Due to Thalamus Ltd already having a very strong hold within the gaming community with their popular British magazine called Crash and ZZap!64 gaming followers seemed to have trusted their developing games, and made them grow into popular demand in a short span of time. The Thalamus company went on to develop many more titles by the time the year 1990 rolled around before having to end their entire gaming production. Some of their titles included: Creatures and Creatures 2: Torture Trouble, Hunters Moon, Armalyte, Q8 Team Ford Rally Simulation, Summer Camp, Venom Wing, Digital Mugician, Nobby the Aardvark, Winter Camp, Borobodur, Armalyte: The Final Run, Heatseeker, just to name a few.

While the above titles mention what this company was able to achieve within their short time span within the gaming development community, we should also mention that they had several titles that while they were great never actually did make it out to the general public. The Starline was created in 1987 for the C64, along with the Armalyte 2, which was developed in 1990. In addition, some of their other titles that are still on the unreleased list today, include: The Search For Sharla, Armalyte the demo version, Bombuzai, Delta Patrol, Beastmaster, Street Warriors, and Restrictor.

Last release

Even though, the Thalamus Ltd ended their release of games with the last one being released in 1993 called Nobby the Aardvark, for many old timer fans, they surely can still remember many of the games they used to play on their Commodore 64. For the company Thalamus Ltd, their time within the gaming development may have been for only a short period of time, but they certainly did make a very strong impression upon the Commodore 64 computer. In addition, for any old timers out there that can remember how these games went, we are sure you will agree that for the time being released they sure did provide plenty of entertaining hours of enjoyment.

External links

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