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Avesoft Finlandia Oy
Avesoft logo.png
Founded April 28, 1989[1]
Defunct March 22, 1996
Headquarters Tampere, Finland
Products Video games, computer programs

Avesoft got its start in the fall of 1988 when Jyrki Kummola presented his idea about a game named Remember Archadica to Kimmo Kujansuu. Both had visions of a Finnish game company and together they established Avesoft Finlandia Ltd.[2] They funded the upkeep of the company by selling PD disks so that they could eventually concentrate on publishing games. The most well known of Avesoft games is Coloris, which was developed by Signum Victoriae group. It got rated well by, for example, Jukka Tapanimäki in MikroBitti magazine. The final game published by Avesoft was Metallic Nations, which came out in 1995.


Avesoft’s owner Jyrki Kummola with Coloris game cases.
  • Jyrki "Jyker" Kummola - Avesoft’s founder and owner Jyrki Kummola worked as a kind of a project manager in the company as well as dealing with advertising and other odd jobs. His real interest was brainstorming and coming up with new game ideas.
  • Kimmo Kujansuu - Was part of founding Avesoft. Kimmo Kujansuu is often said to have been the “business advisor” of Avesoft.
  • Jari Moisio - Jari Moisio worked as a handyman at Avesoft. Kummola and Kujansuu met Pertti Lehtinen through him.
  • Karri Palovuori - Karri Palovuori, who at the time was studying at Tampereen Teknillinen Korkeakoulu, had ties to Avesoft from the beginning and he was part of quite a few game projects.
  • Pertti Lehtinen - Tampereen Teknillinen Korkeakoulu’s Assistant Professor Pertti Lehtinen brainstormed and programmed Coloris.


Bloody Afternoon (Amiga) Title screen.png Bloody Afternoon
  • Published: 1989
  • Platform: Amiga
  • Developers: Tuukka Salonen, Saku Lehtinen
Coloris (Amiga) Gameplay screen.png Coloris
  • Published: 1990
  • Platforms: Amiga, Atari ST
  • Developer: Signum Victoriae
  • Programming: Pertti Lehtinen (game), Keijo Heljanko (intro)
  • Graphics: Harri Granholm, Mika Meriläinen, Jyrki Kummola
  • Music: Tor Bernhard Gausen (intro), Jean-Pierre Jandrain (game)
  • Misc: Jyrki Kummola
  • Atari ST version: M. Pellinen ja V. Poikonen

Coloris resembles the game Columns. In Coloris, the player has to place the falling vertical blocks, which are made up of three squares, in the way where three or more colored squares are placed next to each other on the screen, which causes them to disappear. You can’t turn the blocks, but you can change the place of the colored square within the block as it’s falling.

Moonleague (Amiga) Title screen.png Moonleague
  • Published: 1994
  • Platform: Amiga
  • Programming: Juha Pere, Petri Pohjanmies
  • Music: Petri Pohjanmies
  • Misc: Juha Pere
No image available.png Metallic Nations
  • Published: 1995
  • Platforms: Amiga, PC
  • Programming: Juha Riihimäki, Vili Jussila
  • Graphics: Jyrki Kummola, Hans Zenjuga
  • Directed by: Jyrki Kummola

Made for 8 players, Metallic Nations is a graphic strategy game published for Amiga and PC where you’d play against seven other players via a modem. To play, you’d need a phone connection to exchange game information, and gaming would cost about 3 Finnish Marks (2.66 + local call charge) per call. After creating a character, the player could start playing after about three days, so that all the eight participants needed for a game could have all signed up.


External links

  1. YTJ.fi, "Avesoft Finlandia Oy". Retrieved 2015-07-08.
  2. Jukka Tapanimäki, MikroBitti (6-7/90), "Averitarin ristiretket, Avesoft - suomalainen pelitalo" (pages 24-25).

Language: EnglishSuomi