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Title screen
Developer Jukka Tapanimäki
Publisher Triosoft (never published)
Designer Jukka Tapanimäki
Released 1986
Platform Commodore 64
Genre Text adventure
Gamemode Single-player
Information Triosoft obtained the publishing rights for the game, but it was never published.
User rating
Current user rating: 32/100 (1 votes)

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Publication Score
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Aikaetsivä is a text adventure game made by Jukka Tapanimäki. Triosoft obtained the publishing rights for the game, but it was never published. In the game, the player needs to find an escaped prisoner who has stolen a time machine and vanished into the past. The player has to return the prisoner alive to the security officer.

The Opening Scene

You shuffle along unwillingly through a seedy suburb on a grey morning. You’re facing yet another boring shift at the offices of AIKAETSIVÄ & CO (Time Detective & Co.) Nothing exciting has happened in the last ten years, not even a test drill. However, one can’t complain; when a real dangerous situation happens, it will threaten the survival of the whole world...

You open the massive marble door that leads to the office, pull yourself together and march into the boss’s office. A stocky, gray-haired figure glances at you with his piercing eyes. "We received a message", he says slowly, as if tasting every word. "A message? It must be a joke!" you yelp. You rush into your own office and slam the door shut behind you.



Gameplay video on Youtube.

See also

External links

Language: EnglishSuomi